My prefered way to play in Vorpx is standing with a xbox 360 controller and use my head for camera and forward on the joystick this greatly reduces motion sickness for me. All games I list below support DirectVR feature and i'm playing in full VR mode NOT theater mode unless I specially say otherwise. Almost every game I played on 1920x1440 resolution if couldn't keep framerate i dropped to 1600x1200 i won't play anything below that. I want to point out I haven't put a ton of time into any of these titles I just played them long enough to see if I had any major issues. So saying that here is list of games I tried so far. Also games with lot of cutscenes or ones that use kill cams you can't disable can be really hard to play. Also often times UI and inventory don't work right or are zoomed in way to far so you gotta constantly use the edgepeek feature in those situations. DirectVR feature has made it a lot easier to setup many games but the scan does still have issues and on some games it fails very often. Another issue is the 3d scale of things doesn't feel right in a lot of games no matter what you set the 3d strength to or FOV. A few can be fixed like Skyrim with mods but many I couldn't find a fix for. This is prevelant in almost all source and creation engine based games I have tested. I understand it's for performance but makes the games so aliased they are unplayable for me. What i found was the default recommended resolution looks awful in almost everything. I finally bought it a few months ago and my initial impressions were pretty bad. So I have had my Vive since May and have followed VorpX for years watching people on youtube.

First have at least a gtx 1070, second not sensitive to motion sickness, and third understand it doesn't work great for many games. I few stipulations first before i'd recommend it to anyone. Simple answer Yes it is but defintely not a blanket yes to everyone

Also playing at 45 fps and relying on reprojection makes me a bit nauseous which makes it hard to play for a decent amount of time anyway.

Despite some games working pretty well there are still lot of issues and i'm crashing pretty often as well in some games. Update So after spending a good bit more time with VorpX my recommendation is only for people who really can't find enjoyment in current VR games.